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Agriculture - UNU_Organic_Residues_Rural
Agriculture - UNU_Bioconversion_Organic_Rural
Agriculture - BOSTID_Lost_Crops_Africa
Agriculture - BOSTID_Amaranth
Agriculture - BOSTID_Triticale_Cereal
Agriculture - BOSTID_Neem
Agriculture - BOSTID_Jojoba
Agriculture - BOSTID_Saline_Plants
Agriculture - BOSTID_Micro_Livestock
Agriculture - BOSTID_Asian_Animals_Rare
Agriculture - BOSTID_Crocodile_Farming
Agriculture - BOSTID_Water_Buffalo
Agriculture - BOSTID_Butterfly_Farming
Agriculture - BOSTID_Winged_Bean
Agriculture - BOSTID_Rangeland
Agriculture - CPFE_Dryland_Gardens
Agriculture - Echo_Food_Growing
Agriculture - BF_Plant
Agriculture - BF_Leaves
Agriculture - BF_Flower
Agriculture - BF_Crops
Agriculture - BF_Animals
Agriculture - BF_Farm_Business
Agriculture - BF_Cattle_breeding
Agriculture - BF_Sheep_Breeding
Agriculture - VITA - Sheep - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Goats Dairy - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Dairy Production - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - BF_Chickens
Agriculture - VITA - Chickens - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Chickens and Ducks - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - BF_Ducks_1
Agriculture - VITA - Poultry - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - BF_Cereals
Agriculture - BF_Tubers
Agriculture - BF_Groundnuts
Agriculture - BF_Bananas
Agriculture - BF_Horticulture
Agriculture - BF_Upland_Rice
Agriculture - BF_Paddy_Rice
Agriculture - BF_Cocoa
Agriculture - BF_Coffee
Agriculture - BF_Oil_Palm
Agriculture - BF_Rubber
Agriculture - BF_Modern_Farm_Business
Agriculture - BF_Water
Agriculture - BF_Farming_Snails_1
Agriculture - BF_Farming_Snails_2
Agriculture - BF_Rabbits_1
Agriculture - BF_Rabbits_2
Agriculture - PC_Rabbits
Agriculture - VITA - Rabbits - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - BF_Tree_Fodder
Agriculture - BF_Straw
Agriculture - BF_Cassava_Animals
Agriculture - BF_SweetPotato_Animals
Agriculture - BF_MultiNutrients
Agriculture - GTZ_Soil_Preparation
Agriculture - GTZ_Sustain_Agriculture
Agriculture - KENRIK_Tradit_Food_Plants_Kenya
Agriculture - IIRR_Biointensive_Garden
Agriculture - VITA - Gardens - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - IIRR_Soil_Water_Agrofor
Agriculture - IIRR_AgroForestry
Agriculture - IIRR_Agroforestry_2
Agriculture - VITA - AgroForestry - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - IIRR_Cropping_Systems
Agriculture - IIRR_Animal_Production
Agriculture - IIRR_LowInput_Rice_Prod
Agriculture - PC_Tradit_Field_Crops
Agriculture - NRI_RootCrops_Manual
Agriculture - VITA - Root Crops - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - NRI_Trees_for_Livestock
Agriculture - NRI_Locusts
Agriculture - PC_Pesticide_Safety
Agriculture - Winrock_Nitrogen_Trees_Fodder
Agriculture - VITA - Cereals Manual I - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Cereals Manual II - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Seed Germination - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Seeds and Weeds - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - SoyBeans - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Garden Sileage - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Greenhouses - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Grain Storage III - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Agricultureultural Experiments - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Agricultureultural Waste - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Soil Preparation - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Insects - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Integrated Pest Control - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Legumes - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - HydroPonics - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Fertilisers - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Fertilisers Manual II - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Cropping Multiple - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - BeeKeeping - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Pigs - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Environmentally Sound Agricultureultural Production - ( fr de it po es)
Agriculture - VITA - Environmentally Sound Livestock Production - ( fr de it po es)
Pesticide safety for farmworkers

Cultivos tradicionales
Extensión agrícola
Guía para el cultivo del manzano en Costa Rica
Guia practica - Como Manejar Abejas Africanizadas
La Apicultura de Pequeña Escala
Uso seguro de pesticidas para los trabajadores del campo - Pesticide safety for farmworkers

A glossary of Agricultureultural terms English -Spanish
An English-Spanish glossary - of terminology used in forestry, range, wildlife, fishery, soils, and botany - Glosario en Ingles-Espanol de terminologia usada en forestales, pastizales, fauna silvestre, pesqueria, suelos, y botanica

Appropriate Technology - BOSTID_Alcohol_Fuels
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Ethanol - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - BOSTID_Firewood_Crops
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wood Fuel - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wood Waste - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - BF_Animal_Power
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Animal_Traction
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Animal_Power
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Animal_Traction
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Animal_Power_Milling
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Animal Traction Harness/Implements
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Rainwater_Catchment
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Mining_Tools
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Cells - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Solar_Cookers
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Cookers II - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Cookers - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Concentrators - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Cooker III - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Energy - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Pump - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Still - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Still II - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Stills
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Seawater Desalination
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Desalination Options
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Water Heater - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Solar Water Heater II - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - SKAT_Solar_Water_Heaters
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Drying Timber
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Drying Food Preservation
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Drying - 3 machines
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Electricity
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Water Heater
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Cooker FieldTest
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Solar Dryer Plans
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Photovoltaic Water Pumps
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Photovoltaic Applications Factsheet
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Bicycle Reference Manual
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Recycling PET Bottles
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Recycling Lead-Acid Batteries
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Plastic Waste Recycling
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Waste Paper Recycling
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Fuel Briquettes Organic Residues
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Recycling Used Tyres
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Recycling Guidelines
Appropriate Technology - GTZ - Reusing Waste Engine Oil
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_CookStove
Appropriate Technology - UNEP_Fuelsaving_Stoves
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Fuelsaving_Cookstoves
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Biomass Stoves - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wood Stoves - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wood Stove Testing - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Cookers - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Improved Stoves - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Stove Portable - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - SawDust Stove - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Pottery_Kilns
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Pottery_Forming
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Pottery_Glazes
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Pottery_Clay
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Pottery Kiln - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Charcoal_Gasifiers
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Charcoal - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Charcoal and Wood - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Charcoal Production - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - BF_Biogas
Appropriate Technology - BF_Biogas2
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas_Animal_Prod
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas_Improved
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas_Purification
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas_Engines
Appropriate Technology - VITA - BioGas - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - BioGas 3 cubic metre plant - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Biogas in India - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - PC_Biogas
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas_Dissemination
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas HTM version (non-IS0 9660-COMPLIANT)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 1/4 (0.5 Meg)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 2/4 (0.5 Meg)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 3/4 (0.5 Meg)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Biogas PDF Version - Part 4/4 (0.5 Meg)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Rural_Electr
Appropriate Technology - CEEST_Env_SmallScale_Mining
Appropriate Technology - CDI_Soap
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Soap Making - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Soap
Appropriate Technology - GTZ_Neem_Processing
Appropriate Technology - ILO_SmallScale_Weaving
Appropriate Technology - ILO_SmallScale_Footwear
Appropriate Technology - ILO_SmallScale_Horn_Processing
Appropriate Technology - ILO_Blend_New_Tradit_Technologies
Appropriate Technology - IDRC_101_Technologies
Appropriate Technology - NRI_Sisal_Dyeing
Appropriate Technology - NRI_Straw_Dyeing
Appropriate Technology - NRI_Agriculture_Residues_Burner
Appropriate Technology - Biomass_Gasification
Appropriate Technology - PACE_New_Energy_Technology
Appropriate Technology - PC_Tool_Making
Appropriate Technology - UNDP_World_Energy_Assessment
Appropriate Technology - SIDA_Used_Clothing_Imports
Appropriate Technology - SKAT_Village_Electrification
Appropriate Technology - PC_BlackSmithing
Appropriate Technology - TOOL_Tools_Disabled
Appropriate Technology - WB_Economics_Renewable_Energies
Appropriate Technology - ENG_UNDP_Village_Engine_Biodiesel
Appropriate Technology - WEIR_Hydrostatic_Coil_Pump
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Pumps 6 Types - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - WEIR_Trolley_Manpowered_Irrigation_Pump
Appropriate Technology - WEIR_Wooden_Bearings_Tests
Appropriate Technology - WEIR_Pedal_Powered_Sorghum_Thresher
Appropriate Technology - WEIR_Pedal_Power_Devices
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Pedal Power - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - MISC_Pedal_Generator
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Assessing Rural Needs - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Auto Vehicle Maintenance - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Batteries - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Bedding - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Blue Jeans - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Bread Baking - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Candles - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Blacksmiths Forge - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Chain Link Fencing - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Computers - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Cooling Passive - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Dimension Hardwood - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Ladies Dresses - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Earth Moving - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Energy Storage - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Environmentally Sound Energy Production - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Evaporative Coolers - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Glass Containers - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Glass Recycling - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Glucose from Cassava - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Glue for Constructiontion - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Hand Looms (Weaving) - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Hand Washing Machine - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Mens Pants (Trousers) - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Metal Recycling - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Oil Kilns II - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Oven Oil-Fired - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Oven Wood - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Paint - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Paint Manufacturing - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Paper - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Paper Bags - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Paper Making - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Paper recycling - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Pens - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Publication Catalog - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Renewable Energy Dictionary - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Roads LowCost - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Rubber Cement - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Gents Shirts - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Silk Screen Printing - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Stirling Engine - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Village Technology Handbook - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Washing Machine - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wind Energy - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Savonius Rotor Wind Machine - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wind Mills - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wind Pumps - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - PC_WindPumps
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wind Water Pumping - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Wind Water Pumping II - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Work Shirts - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - SKAT_Micro_Hydro
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Water Power - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Water Wheels - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Water Wheels Overshot - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Hydra Ram (Water Power) - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Hydro Micro (Water Power) - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Hydro Mini (Water Power) - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Hydro Power (Water Power) - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - Banki Water Turbine - ( fr de it po es)
Appropriate Technology - VITA - River Generator - ( fr de it po es)

COMPUTER_TRAINING (non-IS0 9660-COMPLIANT) - as listed below....

Computer Literacy
Common Applications
Pedagogy & Internet
Infrastructure Guide

Windows Basic
Windows Properties
Windows Objects
Word Processing
Html Editors
Collaborative Projects
Managerial use of ICT
Mail Merge
School Budget
Grade Book

Construction - GTZ - Waste in BrickMaking
Construction - GTZ - Brickmaking Biblio
Construction - GTZ - Brick Clay Preparation
Construction - GTZ - Drying Clay Bricks & Tiles
Construction - GTZ - Firing Clay Bricks & Tiles
Construction - GTZ - Brick Clamps
Construction - GTZ - Bulls Trench Brick Kiln
Construction - GTZ - Hoffman Kilns
Construction - GTZ - Igloo Type Brick Kilns Zimbabwe
Construction - GTZ - Brick & Tile Production Ghana I
Construction - GTZ - Brick & Tile Production Ghana II
Construction - GTZ - Brick & Tile Production Ghana III
Construction - GTZ - Interlocking Blocks
Construction - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica I
Construction - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica II
Construction - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica III
Construction - GTZ - Red Mud Building Materials Jamaica IV
Construction - GTZ - Stone for Building
Construction - GTZ - Stone for Building II
Construction - GTZ - Stone Walls Mountainous Regions I
Construction - GTZ - Stone Walls Mountainous Regions II
Construction - GTZ - Slabby Stone Walls
Construction - GTZ - Boulder Stone Walls
Construction - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln
Construction - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln III
Construction - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln IV
Construction - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln V
Construction - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln VI
Construction - GTZ - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln VII
Construction - GTZ - Woodless Constructiontion I
Construction - GTZ - Woodless Constructiontion II
Construction - GTZ - Woodless Constructiontion III
Construction - GTZ - Thermal Improvement Buildings Chile
Construction - BOSTID_Ferrocement
Construction - VITA - Ferrocement - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - GTZ_Building_Pumice
Construction - GTZ_Building_Lime
Construction - GTZ_Compressed_Earth_Blocks_1
Construction - GTZ_Compressed_Earth_2
Construction - GTZ_Compressed_Earth_Presses
Construction - VITA - Cinva Ram Block Making Machine - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - GTZ_CEB_Mortars
Construction - CDI_Compressed_Earth_Blocks_Stds
Construction - ILO_Stabilised_Earth_Blocks
Construction - VITA - Stabilized Earth II - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Stabilized Earth - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - GTZ_Clay_Brick_Tile_Eq
Construction - GTZ_Concrete_Block_Equip
Construction - ILO_SmallScale_BrickMaking
Construction - VITA - Bricks - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - GTZ_BrickMaking_Village
Construction - VITA - Burnt Bricks - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Briquetting - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - GTZ_Asbestos_Overview
Construction - SKAT_Biomass_Roofing
Construction - Habitat_Biomass_Energy
Construction - Habitat_Economics_Building_Materials
Construction - Habitat_Indig_Building_Materials
Construction - Habitat_Low_Energy_Constructiontion
Construction - Habitat_SmallScale_Cement
Construction - VITA - Cement, Portland - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - ILO_Stone_Paving_Blocks
Construction - PC_Building_Constr
Construction - SKAT_Approp_Building_Materials
Construction - SKAT_Approp_Building_Materials - Spanish Version

Construction - SKAT_Climate_Resp_Buildings
Construction - SKAT_Tropical_Building_Design
Construction - SKAT_Building_Arches
Construction - SKAT_Roof_Cover_Guide
Construction - SKAT_Roof_Structure_Guide
Construction - SKAT_Roof_Trusses
Construction - SKAT_Concrete_Roofing
Construction - SKAT_Fiber_Concrete_Roofing
Construction - SKAT_FCR_MCR_Standards
Construction - SKAT_FCR_MCR_Quality
Construction - SKAT_FCR_MCR_Production
Construction - GTZ_Fiber_Concrete_Roof_Equip
Construction - SKAT_Fiber_Concrete_Roof_Tiles
Construction - ILO_MCR_Roof_Tiles
Construction - VITA - Adobe Mud Constructiontion - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Bamboo - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Bridges - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Ceramic Plant - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Constructiontion - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Clay Processing - ( fr de it po es)
Construction - VITA - Clay Products - ( fr de it po es)

Education - DFID - 1 - School effectiveness in developing countries - A summary of the research evidence
Education - DFID - 2 - Educationational cost-benefit analysis
Education - DFID - 3 - REducationing the cost of technical and vocational Educationation
Education - DFID - 4 - Report on reading in English in primary schools in Malawi
Education - DFID - 5 - Report on reading in English in primary schools in Zambia
Education - DFID - 6 - Educationation and development the issues and the evidence
Education - DFID - 7 - Planning and financing sustainable Educationation systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
Education - DFID - 9 - Factors affecting female participation in Educationation in seven developing countries
Education - DFID - 10 - Using literacy - A new approach to post-literacy materials
Education - DFID - 11 - Educationation and training for the informal sector
Education - DFID - 12 - Multi-grade teaching - A review of research and practice
Education - DFID - 13 - Distance Educationation in engineering for developing countries
Education - DFID - 14 - Health & HIV/AIDS Educationation in primary & secondary schools in Africa & Asia
Education - DFID - 15 - Labour market signals & indicators
Education - DFID - 16 - In-service support for a technological approach to science Educationation
Education - DFID - 17 - Action research report on reflect
Education - DFID - 18 - The Educationation and training of artisans for the informal sector in Tanzania
Education - DFID - 19 - Educationation research gender, Educationation and development - A partially annotated and selective bibliography
Education - DFID - 20a - Contextualising teaching and learning in rural primary schools: Using Agricultureultural experience - Volume 1
Education - DFID - 20b - Contextualising teaching and learning in rural primary schools: Using Agricultureultural experience - Volume 2
Education - DFID - 21 - Gender and school achievement in the Caribbean
Education - DFID - 22 - School-based understanding of human rights in four countries: A commonwealth study
Education - DFID - 23 - Girls and basic Educationation - A cultural enquiry
Education - DFID - 24 - Investigating bilingual literacy: Evidence from Malawi and Zambia
Education - DFID - 25 - Promoting girls' Educationation in Africa - The design and implementation of policy interventions
Education - DFID - 26 - Getting books to school pupils in Africa
Education - DFID - 27 - Cost Sharing in Educationation - Public Finance, School and Household Perspectives
Education - DFID - 28 - Vocational Educationation and Training in Tanzania and Zimbabwe in the Context of Economic Reform
Education - DFID - 29 - Re-defining Post-Literacy in a Changing World
Education - DFID - 30 - In Service for Teacher Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Review of Literature Published between 1983-1997
Education - DFID - 31 - Locally Generated Printed Materials in Agricultureulture: Experience from Uganda and Ghana
Education - DFID - 32 - Sector Wide Approaches to Educationation - A Strategic Analysis
Education - DFID - 33 - Distance Educationation Practice: Training and Rewarding Authors
Education - DFID - 34 - The Effectiveness of Teacher Resource Centre Strategy
Education - DFID - 35 - Evaluating Impact
Education - DFID - 36 - African Journals - An Evaluation of the Use of African-published Journals in African Universities Evaluating Impact
Education - DFID - 37 - Monitoring the Performance of Educationational Programmes in Developing Countries
Education - DFID - 38 - Towards Responsive Schools Supporting Better Schooling for Disadvantaged Children
Education - DFID - 39 - Preliminary Investigation of the Abuse of Girls in Zimbabwean Junior Secondary Schools
Education - DFID - 40 - The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development
Education - DFID - 41 - The Quality of Learning and Teaching in Developing Countries: Assessing Literacy and Numeracy in Malawi and Sri Lanka
Education - DFID - 42 - Learning to Compete: Educationation, Training & Enterprise in Ghana, Kenya & South Africa
Education - DFID - African Journals Distribution Programme: Evaluation of the Pilot Project
Education - DFID - Breaking the Barriers - Women and the Elimination of World Poverty
Education - DFID - Case Study Research - A Model of Best Practice at Loreto Day School, Sealdah, Calcutta - Occasional Paper No. 1
Education - DFID - The Challenge of Universal Primary Educationation - Strategies for Achieving the International Development Targets
Education - DFID - Educationation for ReConstructiontion - Report for the Overseas Development Administration
Education - DFID - Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century - White Paper on International Development
Education - DFID - Eliminating World Poverty: Making Globalisation Work for the Poor - White Paper on International Development
Education - DFID - "Factors Affecting Girl's Access to Schooling in Niger" - Final Report to ODA Educationation Division
Education - DFID - Illicit Drugs and the Development Assistance Programme - Strategy Paper
Education - DFID - Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning through Community Participation: Achievements, Limitations and Risks
Education - DFID - Learning Opportunities for All - A Policy Framework for Educationation
Education - DFID - Poverty Elimination and the Empowerment of Women
Education - DFID - Realizing Human Rights for Poor People - Strategies for Achieving the International Development Targets
Education - DFID - Redressing Gender Inequalities in Educationation - A Review of Constraints and Priorities in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Installation
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Intro
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Circuits
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Machines
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Switchgear
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Generation
ELECTRIC - IBE_Lighting_Install
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Accidents_3
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Accidents
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Accidents_2
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Joints
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Joints_2
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Protective_2
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Protective
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Cables
ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Lines
ELECTRIC - DED_Digital_Teaching_Aid
ELECTRIC - DED_Amplifier_Teaching_Aid
ELECTRIC - DED_Radio_Electronics

Fisheries - BOSTID_Mariculture
Fisheries - BF_FF_Fish
Fisheries - BF_Freshwater_Fish_Farming
Fisheries - BF_Fish_Farming_Pond
Fisheries - BF_Fish_Farming_3
Fisheries - BF_Fish_Farming_4
Fisheries - VITA - Fish Ponds and Fish Farming - ( fr de it po es)
Fisheries - IDRC_Rice_Fish_Farming
Fisheries - CDI_Tilapia_Farming
Fisheries - NRI_Fish_Postharvest_Losses
Fisheries - PC_Smallscale_Marine_Fishing
Fisheries - VITA - Fish Processing - ( fr de it po es)
Fisheries - VITA - AquaCulture - ( fr de it po es)

Food Processing - BOSTID_Fermented_Foods
Food Processing - Benin_Food_Processing_FR
Food Processing - GTZ_Solar_Drying
Food Processing - GTZ_FR_Solar_Drying
Food Processing - VITA - Solar Grain Dryer - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Solar Dryer - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - GRET_FR_Fruit_Veg_Solar_Drying
Food Processing - NRI_Solar_Drying_Fish
Food Processing - PC_Solar_Food_Technology
Food Processing - PC_Food_Drying_Storage
Food Processing - GRET_FR_Food_Drying
Food Processing - PC_Food_Drying
Food Processing - GRET_Fish_Conservation_FR
Food Processing - GRET_FR_Cheesemaking
Food Processing - SKAT_CheeseMaking
Food Processing - GRET_Baby_Food_Production_FR
Food Processing - ILO_SmallScale_Fish_Processing
Food Processing - ILO_SmallScale_Oil_Extraction
Food Processing - NRI_SmallScale_Oil_Extraction
Food Processing - GTZ_Oilseeds_Process
Food Processing - GRET_FR_Oil_Plant_Processing
Food Processing - VITA - Vegetable Oil Extraction - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Vegetable Oil Solvent Extraction - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Oil and Starch from Sorghum - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - CTA_FR_Maize_Milling
Food Processing - ILO_SmallScale_Maize_Milling
Food Processing - VITA - Flour Mill - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Grain Milling - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Grain Enemies - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Grain Losses - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Grain Preparation - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - GTZ_Yam_Cassava_Storage
Food Processing - GTZ_Maize_Cob_Storage
Food Processing - ILO_FR_Grain_Storage
Food Processing - GTZ_Grain_Storage
Food Processing - GTZ_Crop_Storage
Food Processing - GTZ_Crop_Storage_Traditional
Food Processing - NRI_Crop_Storage
Food Processing - GTZ - Integrated Stored Product Protection
Food Processing - GTZ - Maize Protection non-chemical
Food Processing - CTA_FR_Vegetable_Conservation
Food Processing - CTA_FR_Fruit_Conservation
Food Processing - FAO_Preserving_Tomatoes
Food Processing - VITA - Fruit Preservation Manual I - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Fruit Preservation Manual II - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Citrus Fruits - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - NRI_SmallScale_Animal_Feed
Food Processing - NRI_Fish_Processing
Food Processing - NRI_FishBoxes
Food Processing - NRI_Fish_Drying_Racks
Food Processing - NRI_Fish_Ice
Food Processing - VITA - Fish Meal - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - NRI_Insect_Storage_Pests
Food Processing - NRI_Emerg_Storage
Food Processing - NRI_Emerg_Storage_WindForce
Food Processing - PC_Sileage
Food Processing - TOOL_Food_Packaging
Food Processing - VITA - Grape Juice - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Honey Extraction Centrifugal - ( fr de it po es)
Food Processing - VITA - Food Processing - ( fr de it po es)

Post Harvest - Integrated stored product protection for farmholders
Post Harvest - Manual of the prevention of post-harvest grain losses
Post Harvest - Traditional storage of yams and cassava and its improvement
Post Harvest - Implementation of and further research on biological control of the Larger Grain Borer
Post Harvest - The ecology of Prostephanus truncatus in Togo with particular emphasis on interaction with the predator Teretriosoma nigrescens
Post Harvest - Research into the biology and host-specificity of Teretriosoma nigrescens, a potential natural antagonist of Prostephanus truncatus
Post Harvest - Getting it right: Integrated approach for short and long term Post-harvest protection
Post Harvest - Traditional procedures and methods of storage protection
Post Harvest - Protecting stored maize cobs against pests by the use of non chemical products
Post Harvest - The Use of Teretriosoma nigrescens for Biological Control of the Larger Grain Borer (Prostephanus truncatus
Post Harvest - Methyl Bromide Substitution in Agricultureulture
Post Harvest - Integrated Rodent Management in Post-harvest Systems
Post Harvest - Integrated Post-Harvest Protection Is Worth Its Money !
Post Harvest - Gender-Orientation in the Post-Harvest Sector
Post Harvest - Postharvest of Perishable Fruits and Vegetables in Jordan
Post Harvest - Market Oriented Yam Storage
Post Harvest - The Cassava Chipping Machine
Post Harvest - Proper Preparation of Cassava Flour
Post Harvest - Guidelines for the Analysis of Post-production Systems
Post Harvest - Small-scale postharvest handling practices - A manual for horticultural crops - 3rd edition
Post Harvest - A commodity systems assessment methodology for problem and project identification
Post Harvest - Post-harvest systems of potato and sweet potato in Kenya - Final report
Post Harvest - Training manual for the control of the greater (larger) grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus, Horn)
Post Harvest - Workshop on Mycotoxins in Food in Africa - November 6-10 1995, Cotonou, Republic of Benin International Institute of Tropical Agricultureulture
Post Harvest - 7-year results of hermetic storage of barley under PVC liners: Losses and justification for further implementation of this method for grain storage
Post Harvest - South Pacific Commission - Community Health Services - SOUTH PACIFIC FOODS
Post Harvest - Post-harvest loss due to pests in dried cassava chips and comparative methods for its assessment. - A case study on small-scale farm households in Ghana
Post Harvest - Long-term hermetic storage of barley in PVC-covered concrete platforms under Mediterranean conditions
Post Harvest - Small-scale food processing - A guide for appropriate equipment
Post Harvest - Overview of the phenomenon of losses during the post-harvest system
Post Harvest - Storage and Processing of Roots and Tubers in the Tropics
Post Harvest - Facilitating regional trade of Agricultureultural commodities in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa
Post Harvest - Catalogue of small-scale food processing equipment
Post Harvest - Rice post-harvest e-mail conference draft summary - V.1.2
Post Harvest - Selected listings of agro-industry technology applications in some southeast Asian countries
Post Harvest - Farm structures in tropical climates
Post Harvest - Preserving tomatoes
Post Harvest - Horticultural marketing - a resource and training manual for extension officers
Post Harvest - Food loss prevention in perishable crops
Post Harvest - Prevention of post-harvest food losses fruits, vegetables and root crops a training manual
Post Harvest - Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in human nutrition
Post Harvest - Maize in human nutrition
Post Harvest - Agricultureultural engineering in development
Post Harvest - Meat and meat products in human nutrition in developing countries
Post Harvest - Rice in human nutrition
Post Harvest - Sorghum and millets in human nutrition
Post Harvest - Grain storage techniques
Post Harvest - An atlas of food and Agricultureulture
Post Harvest - A guide to marketing costs and how to calculate them
Post Harvest - Post-harvest deterioration of cassava
Post Harvest - Fruit and vegetable processing
Post Harvest - Quality assurance for small-scale rural food industries
Post Harvest - Inventory credit - An approach to developing Agricultureultural markets
Post Harvest - African experience in the improvement of post-harvest techniques
Post Harvest - Research and Development Issues in Grain Postharvest Problems in Africa
Post Harvest - Research and development issues in grain postharvest problems in Asia
Post Harvest - Problems of pesticide residues in stored grain
Post Harvest - Policy issues in the small grains sector of Southern Africa
Post Harvest - Private enterprise and the post-harvest sector
Post Harvest - Monitoring and evaluation methods for innovations in grain post-harvest technology
Post Harvest - Risks and consequences of the misuse of pesticides in the treatment of stored products
Post Harvest - Mycotoxins in Grain
Post Harvest - A training manual in fresh produce marketing for the Eastern Caribbean
Post Harvest - Economic and marketing aspects of post-harvest handling of grains
Post Harvest - Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops
Post Harvest - Expert consultation on planning the development of sundrying techniques in Africa
Post Harvest - Phytosanitary procedures to be adopted for maize and other food-aid hipments to rEducatione the risks of insect infestation and damage
Post Harvest - Cassava processing
Post Harvest - Mycotoxin prevention and control in foodgrains
Post Harvest - Prevention of post-harvest food losses: a training manual
Post Harvest - Rural processing and preserving techniques for fruits and vegetables
Post Harvest - Manual of fumigation for insect control
Post Harvest - Minor oil crops
Post Harvest - The farming systems approach to development and appropriate technology generation
Post Harvest - Traditional post-harvest technology of perishable tropical staples
Post Harvest - Proceedings of the roundtable on the rEducationtion of post-harvest fruit and vegetable losses through the development of the cottage industry in rural areas in the caribbean countries
Post Harvest - Production, handling and processing of nutmeg and mace and their culinary uses
Post Harvest - Towards integrated commodity and pest management in grain storage
Post Harvest - Utilising root crops

Post Harvest - Compendium on Post-harvest Operations (20 Megabytes)

Post Harvest - CookBook with recipes for Root Crops ( 1 Megabyte)

Post Harvest - PhotoBank 1-50 (15 Megabytes in total)
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 51-100
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 101-150
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 151-200
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 201-250
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 251-300
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 301-350
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 351-400
Post Harvest - PhotoBank 401-450

PHAO - Post HarvestEST material
French Language
Note that many of these are ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, i.e. are not translations of an english language original - therefore most of these merit translation into other languages, including english.

Post Harvest - Protection intégrée des denrées stockées chez les Agricultureulteurs
Post Harvest - Manuel sur la manutention et la conservation des graines après récolte
Post Harvest - Le stockage traditionnel de l'igname et du manioc et son amélioration
Post Harvest - Tables de détermination des principaux ravageurs des denrées entreposées dans les pays chauds
Post Harvest - Aspects économiques de la protection des stocks l'exemple du maïs dans le Sud du Togo
Post Harvest - Etat des pertes dans les systèmes de stockage du maïs au niveau des petits paysans de la région maritime du Togo
Post Harvest - Écologie de Prostephanus truncatus au Togo, examinée notamment du point de vue des interactions avec le prédateur Teretriosoma nigrescens
Post Harvest - Recherches sur la biologie et la spécificité d’hôte de Teretriosoma nigrescens en tant que possible antagoniste de Prostephanus truncatus
Post Harvest - Pathogénicité de Mattesia sp. et de Nosema sp. sur Prostephanus truncatus et la possibilité de l'utilisation de ces protozoaires dans les greniers à maïs traditionnels du Togo
Post Harvest - Les banques de céréales ont-elles fait banqueroute ?
Post Harvest - Les règles de l’art: Protection intégrée des denrées stockées combinant le fractionnement des récoltes et l’application d’insecticides
Post Harvest - Moyens et méthodes traditionnels de protection des stocks
Post Harvest - Protection des épis de maïs contre les ravageurs des stocks sans emploi d'insecticides synthétiques
Post Harvest - La mise en œuvre de Teretriosoma nigrescens dans la lutte biologique contre le grand capucin du maïs (Prostephanus truncatus)
Post Harvest - Mesures intégrées de conservation du maïs chez les producteurs
Post Harvest - La protection intégrée des denrées stockées est une affaire rentable !
Post Harvest - Mesures intégrées de conservation du maïs chez les producteurs
Post Harvest - Prise en compte de la dimension du genre dans le secteur post-récolte
Post Harvest - Etude des potentiels techniques et économiques de la transformation primaire des tubercules vivriers dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest Etude exploratoire au Bénin
Post Harvest - Stockage de l’Igname axé sur les besoins du marché
Post Harvest - La Découpeuse-Éminceuse de Cossettes de Manioc
Post Harvest - La Préparation adéquate de la farine du manioc
Post Harvest - Méthodes de manutention post-récolte pour petits exploitants: Un manuel pour les cultures horticoles
Post Harvest - Une méthode d'évaluation des filières agro-alimentaires pour l'identification des problèmes et des projets
Post Harvest - Commission du Pacifique Sud - Services de santé publique - Aliments du Pacifique Sud
Post Harvest - Transformation du riz en Guinée
Post Harvest - La qualité et la filière après récolte de la banane plantain au Cameroun et en Côte-d'Ivoire
Post Harvest - Importance du stade de récolte pour la commercialisation de la banane plantain au Cameroun
Post Harvest - Pertes après récole: un concept mal défini ou mal utilise
Post Harvest - Les étapes de l'après-récolte du riz et le suivi de la qualité
Post Harvest - Manuel sur le contrôle de qualité du paddy et du riz
Post Harvest - Manuel sur le contrôle de qualité du paddy
Post Harvest - Comment conserver les tomate
Post Harvest - La commercialisation des produits horticoles
Post Harvest - Prévention des pertes de produits alimentaires après la récolte (manuel de formation)
Post Harvest - Racines, tubercules, plantains et bananes: dans la nutrition humaine
Post Harvest - Le maïs dans la nutrition humaine
Post Harvest - L'après-récolte des grains - organisation et techniques
Post Harvest - Le riz dans la nutrition humaine
Post Harvest - Le sorgho et les mils dans la nutrition humaine
Post Harvest - Le lait et les produits laitiers dans la nutrition humaine
Post Harvest - Guide pratique des coûts de commercialisation et de leur mode de calcul
Post Harvest - Synthèse de l'expérience africaine en amélioration des techniques après-récolte
Post Harvest - Méthodes de suivi et d'évaluation des innovations technologiques dans le domaine post-récoIte des grains
Post Harvest - Risques et conséquences de la mauvaise utilisation des pesticides pour le traitement des denrées stockées
Post Harvest - Les mycotoxines dans les grains
Post Harvest - Expert consultation on planning the development of sundrying techniques in Africa
Post Harvest - Amélioration et diversification du séchage solaire domestique des fruits, des légumes et des feuilles
Post Harvest - Comment construire un grenier à maïs peu couteux
Post Harvest - Mission de formulation d'un projet d'études et d'amélioration des greniers et stocks villageois
Post Harvest - Réduction des pertes après récolte des bananes plantains
Post Harvest - Les programmes d'installation de moulins villageois
Post Harvest - Precis technique sur les farines composees
Post Harvest - L'amélioration de la commercialisation dans le monde en développement - Situation et expériencesvécues
Post Harvest - Prévention des pertes après récolte: fruits, légumes, racines et tubercules
Post Harvest - Production et valorisation du maïs à' l'échelon villageois en Afrique de l'Ouest
Post Harvest - Les Cahiers de la recherche développement
Post Harvest - Le stockage à plat des céréales pour une durée indéterminée
Post Harvest - Guide pratique La ventilation des grains
Post Harvest - Refroidissement par ventilation
Post Harvest - Guide pratique - Stockage et conservation des grains à la ferme
Post Harvest - Conservation des grains en régions chaudes
Post Harvest - Numero special 97: Compte rendu du séminaire de Ouagadougou Avril 1997: Le séchage des produits alimentaires à haute teneur en eau
Post Harvest - N° 13 MAI 1997: Bulletin du réseau, Technologie et partenariat en agroalimentaire
Post Harvest - Le développement de la filière cossettes d'igname en Afrique de l’Ouest

Post Harvest - Comment faire des tablettes de mangues? - Ahoana no fanamboarana takelaka manga? - French/African Language

Spanish Language
Note that many of these are ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, i.e. are not translations of an english language original - therefore most of these merit translation into other languages, including english.

Post Harvest - Manual de practicas de manejo postcosecha de los productos hortofrutícolas a pequeña escala
Post Harvest - Una metodología de evaluación de cadenas agro-alimenticias para la identificación de problemas y proyectos
Post Harvest - Circular técnica N° 42 - Calculo de costos de post-cosecha de granos
Post Harvest - Circular técnica N° 22 - Organización de una planta acopiadora de granos
Post Harvest - Circular técnica N° 39 - Perdidas mermas y deterioros de los granos en la post-cosecha (P.C.)
Post Harvest - Circular técnica N° 9 - Ud. que acopia granos: en que situación se encuentra?
Post Harvest - Circular N° 66 - Costos del control de plagas
Post Harvest - Circular N° 56 - Calculo del costo operativo del transporte
Post Harvest - Circular N° 69 - Costo de un semillero
Post Harvest - Circular N° 57 - Calculo del costo del balanceado
Post Harvest - Programa postcosecha en Centroamérica; Evaluación de impacto y de la sostenibilidad
Post Harvest - Glosario técnico sobre factores de calidad en granos básicos
Post Harvest - Perdidas post cosecha: Un concepto mal definido o mal utilizado - Estudio sintético y didáctico sobre el fenómeno de las pérdidas que se producen a lo largo del sistema post-cosecha
Post Harvest - La comercialización de productos hortícolas - manual de consulta e instrucción para extensionistas
Post Harvest - Prevención de pérdidas de alimentos poscosecha: frutas, hortalizas, raíces y tuberculos
Post Harvest - El maiz en la nutrición humana
Post Harvest - El sorgo y el mijo: en la nutrición humana
Post Harvest - Guía para el Calculo de los costos de comercialización
Post Harvest - Riscos e consequências da ma utilização de pesticidas para tratamento de produtos arma zenados
Post Harvest - Micotoxinas em grãos
Post Harvest - Manual de manejo poscosecha de granos a nivel rural
Post Harvest - Secado de granos y secadoras
Post Harvest - Procesamiento a pequeña escala de frutas y hortalizas amazónicas nativas e introducidas
Post Harvest - Distribución e importancia de los insectos que dañan granos y productos almacenados en Chile
Post Harvest - Aspectos económicos y de mercadeo del manejo poscosecha de granos
Post Harvest - Mejora del mercadeo en el mundo en desarrollo
Post Harvest - Prevención de perdidas de alimentos poscosecha: manual de capacitación
Post Harvest - La ingeniería en el desarrollo - Manejo y tratamiento de granos poscosecha
Post Harvest - Almacenamiento de granos a nivel rural
Post Harvest - Cosecha de granos Trigo, maíz, fréjol y soya
Post Harvest - Roedores como plagas de productos almacenados; control y manejo
Post Harvest - Insectos que dañan granos productos almacenados
Post Harvest - Seca-aireación de granos
Post Harvest - Manual para el mejoramiento del manejo poscosecha de frutas y hortalizas
Post Harvest - Manual para el mejoramiento del manejo poscosecha de frutas y hortalizas
Post Harvest - Principios de secado de granos psicometria higroscopia
Post Harvest - Secado de granos: natural, solar y a bajas temperaturas
Post Harvest - Secado de granos a altas temperaturas
Post Harvest - El estado actual de la pequeña agroindustria en America Latina
Post Harvest - Procesamiento de frutas y hortalizas mediante metodos artesanales y de pequeña escala
Post Harvest - Manual para el curso sobre procesamiento de frutas y hortalizas a pequeña escala en Perú

Post Harvest - Manual sobre a prevenção das perdas de grãos depois da colheita - Portuguese Language

FORESTRY - BOSTID_Calliandra_Tree
FORESTRY - BOSTID_Nitrogen_Fixing_Tree
FORESTRY - BOSTID_Aerial_Foresting
FORESTRY - ILO_Tree_Planting
FORESTRY - ILO_Wood_Harvesting_HandTools
FORESTRY - Winrock_Nitrogen_Trees_Acidic
FORESTRY - Winrock_Nitrogen_Trees
FORESTRY - Winrock_For_Leucaena
FORESTRY - VITA - ReForestation - ( fr de it po es)
FORESTRY - VITA - Environmentally Sound Forestry Production - ( fr de it po es)

Health & Care - Aids - ARV Anti Retroviral Pricing and Sourcing
Health & Care - WHO_Aids_Homecare_Handbook
Health & Care - WHO_Food_Prep_Infants
Health & Care - WHO_Care_Normal_Birth
Health & Care - UNHCR_Supplies_Food_Aid
Health & Care - WHO_Infant_Feeding_Emergencies
Health & Care - Hesperian_Where There is No Dentist
Health & Care - Hesperian_Doctor_Women
Health & Care - Hesperian_Where There is No Doctor
Health & Care - Hesperian_Disabled_Children
Health & Care - MSF_Med_Diagnosis_Treat_Manual
Health & Care - MSF_Med_Essential_Drugs
Health & Care - MSF_Med_Minor_Surgery_Remote_Areas
Health & Care - MSF_Med_Nutrition
Health & Care - MSF_Med_Public_Health
Health & Care - TZ_Tradit_Medical_Plants
Health & Care - WB_Medicinal_Plants
Health & Care - WWF_Herbal_Medicines
Health & Care - WHO_Tradit_Medicine
Health & Care - WHO_Mosquito_Nets
Health & Care - VITA - Malaria - ( fr de it po es)
Health & Care - WHO_Malaria
Health & Care - PC_Med_ORT
Health & Care - VITA - ORT - Oral Rehydration Therapy - ( fr de it po es)
Health & Care - HEAL_Maize_Meal_Recipes
Health & Care - HEAL_Beans_recipes
Health & Care - FCI_Healthy_Mothers
Health & Care - NRI_Arid_Plants_Medicinal
Health & Care - ORBI_Generic_Drugs_Prices
Health & Care - WHO_FR_Phast_Diarrhoeia
Health & Care - WHO_Diptheria
Health & Care - WHO_Oncho_River_Blindness
Health & Care - WHO_Infectious_Diseases
Health & Care - WHO_Dracun_Eradication
Health & Care - WHO_Rabies
Health & Care - WHO_Yellow_Fever
Health & Care - WHO_Leprosy
Health & Care - WHO_Lymph_Filariasis
Health & Care - WHO_Ebola_Fever
Health & Care - WHO_TB
Health & Care - WHO_Meningococcal
Health & Care - WHO_Cholera
Health & Care - WHO_Dysentry
Health & Care - WHO_Child_Diseases_Africa
Health & Care - WHO_STD
Health & Care - WHO_Polio
Health & Care - WHO_Schistosomiasis
Health & Care - VITA - Bilharzia (Disease) - ( fr de it po es)
Health & Care - WHO_Leishman
Health & Care - WHO_Dengue_2
Health & Care - WHO_Iodine
Health & Care - WHO_Escheri_Food_Poisoning
Health & Care - WHO_Diabetes
Health & Care - WHO_Salmonella
Health & Care - WHO_Typhoid
Health & Care - WHO_Monkeypox
Health & Care - WHO_Typhus
Health & Care - WHO_ARV_Aids
Health & Care - WHO_Hepatitis_C
Health & Care - WHO_Brucellosis
Health & Care - WHO_Enteroviruses
Health & Care - WHO_Lassa_Fever
Health & Care - WHO_Influenza_A
Health & Care - WHO_Fascioliasis
Health & Care - WHO_Buruli_Ulcer
Health & Care - WHO_Hepatitis_B
Health & Care - WHO_Bronchial_Asthma
Health & Care - WHO_Rift_Valley_Fever
Health & Care - WHO_Crimean_Congo_Haemorr_Fever
Health & Care - WHO_Tryp_Sleeping_Sickness
Health & Care - WHO_Dengue_Fever
Health & Care - WHO_Agriculture_Related_Diseases
Health & Care - WHO_Diarrhoeia
Health & Care - WHO_Various_Diseases
Health & Care - VITA - Health Primary - ( fr de it po es)
Health & Care - VITA - Health and Sanitation - ( fr de it po es)
Health & Care - GTZ - Waste Disposal at Small Health Establishments (5.5 Meg)

Health & Care - Spanish Version - Various Products (40 Meg) - as listed also below...

Medicina del adolescente Aproximación al adolescente enfermo
El adolescente y los problemas de aprendizaje
Sexualidad en la adolescencia
El adolescente de alto riesgo y primeras causas de mortalidad
Una ventana hacia la atención integral de salud del adolescente
La salud del adolescente y la acción en la comunidad
Los adolescentes actuando por su salud

Manual de adiestramiento sobre terapia de rehidratacion oral y control de las enfermedades diarréicas - TRO / ORT
Manual de alfabetización del Cuerpo de Paz Manual de Educationación para la salud
Manual para los profesores de ciencias
Nutrición, enfermedades y plagas del melocotón y durazno en Costa Rica
Uso seguro de pesticidas para los trabajadores del campo - Pesticide safety for farmworkers

English/Spanish glossary of health and nutrition terms

Metal Work - IBE_Measuring
Metal Work - IBE_Sawing_Machines
Metal Work - IBE_Sawing_Machines_2
Metal Work - IBE_Drilling_Machines
Metal Work - IBE_Belt_Grinders_2
Metal Work - IBE_Belt_Grinders
Metal Work - IBE_Presses
Metal Work - IBE_Long_Hole_Cutting
Metal Work - IBE_Nailing_Screwing
Metal Work - IBE_Nailing_Screwing_2
Metal Work - IBE_Measuring_2
Metal Work - IBE_Punch_Marking
Metal Work - IBE_Hammering
Metal Work - IBE_Manual_Sawing_2
Metal Work - IBE_Manual_Sawing
Metal Work - IBE_Manual_Sawing_3
Metal Work - IBE_Filing
Metal Work - IBE_Metal_Scraping
Metal Work - IBE_Drilling_3
Metal Work - IBE_Reaming
Metal Work - IBE_Thread_Cutting
Metal Work - IBE_Chipping
Metal Work - IBE_Rivetting
Metal Work - IBE_Tool_Grinding
Metal Work - IBE_Tool_Grinding_2
Metal Work - IBE_Tool_Grinding_3
Metal Work - IBE_Shearing
Metal Work - IBE_Steel_Bending
Metal Work - IBE_Straightening
Metal Work - IBE_Steel_Heat_Treatment
Metal Work - IBE_Engine_Lathes
Metal Work - IBE_Turning
Metal Work - IBE_Drilling
Metal Work - IBE_Lathe_Recessing
Metal Work - IBE_Threadcutting
Metal Work - IBE_Reaming_2
Metal Work - IBE_Knurling
Metal Work - IBE_Milling_Machines
Metal Work - IBE_Drilling_2
Metal Work - IBE_Milling_Face
Metal Work - IBE_End_Face_Milling
Metal Work - IBE_Milling_Offset_Faces
Metal Work - IBE_Groove_Milling
Metal Work - IBE_Milling
Metal Work - IBE_Metal_Shaping_Machines
Metal Work - IBE_Shaping_Plain_Surfaces
Metal Work - IBE_Shaping_Angles
Metal Work - IBE_Shaping_Grooves
Metal Work - IBE_Metal_Working_2
Metal Work - IBE_Machining_Metal
Metal Work - IBE_Metal_Working
Metal Work - IBE_Fitting
Metal Work - IBE_Pinned_Joints
Metal Work - IBE_Threaded_Joints
Metal Work - IBE_Feather_Keys
Metal Work - IBE_Keyed_Joints

MISCELL - CARE_Food_Resources_Manual
MISCELL - UNHCR_Commodity_Distribution
MISCELL - UNHCR_Emergencies_Handbook
MISCELL - VSO_Arts_Crafts
MISCELL - VSO_Maths_Games
MISCELL - VSO_Learning_with_Music
MISCELL - GTZ - Environmental Manual (8 Meg)
MISCELL - GTZ - Environmental Manual - French Language (8 Meg)
MISCELL - GTZ - Environmental Manual - Spanish Language (8 Meg)
MISCELL - GTZ - Ecological Management (249k)
MISCELL - GTZ - Participatory Impact Management I - Spanish Version (8 Meg)
MISCELL - GTZ - Participatory Impact Management II - Spanish Version (8 Meg)

MISCELL - AKF_Better_Management
MISCELL - GTZ_MicroCredit
MISCELL - SKAT_Vocational_Training

SME/SMALL BUSINESS - Business Administration - Basic Skills Guide (SKAT, 1994, 162 p.)
SME/SMALL BUSINESS - Improve Your Business: Handbook (ILO, 1986, 144 p.)
SME/SMALL BUSINESS - Improve Your Business: Basics (ILO, 1999, 188 p.)
SME/SMALL BUSINESS - Improve Your Business: Workbook (ILO, 1986)
SME/SMALL BUSINESS - Accounting for the Microbusiness - A Teaching Manual (Peace Corps, 1975, 105 p.)

Soil & Water - BOSTID_Erosion_Vetiver_Grass
Soil & Water - BF_Soil
Soil & Water - BF_Soil2
Soil & Water - BF_Soil3
Soil & Water - DFID_Roadside_Bio_Engineering
Soil & Water - GTZ_Soil
Soil & Water - ILO_AntiErosion_Ditches
Soil & Water - ILO_Soil_Conservation
Soil & Water - NRI_AgroHydrology_Handbook
Soil & Water - PC_Irrigation_Ref_Manual
Soil & Water - WB_SmallScale_Irrigation_Handbook
Soil & Water - VITA - Irrigation - ( fr de it po es)
Soil & Water - VITA - Irrigation Systems - ( fr de it po es)
Soil & Water - PC_SmallScale_Irrigation
Soil & Water - WHO_Surface_Water_Drainage
Soil & Water - VITA - Soil Conservation - ( fr de it po es)
Soil & Water - VITA - Soil Erosion - ( fr de it po es)
Soil & Water - VITA - Gully Reclamation - ( fr de it po es)
Soil & Water - VITA - Environmentally Sound Water Projects - ( fr de it po es)

Vet Tech - BF_Animal_Disease
Vet Tech - DFID_Vet_Helminth_Control
Vet Tech - IIRR_DIY_Vet
Vet Tech - IIRR_Veterinary_Care
Vet Tech - IIRR_Animal_Diseases
Vet Tech - IIRR_Herbal_Medicine_Animals
Vet Tech - IIRR_Ethnoveterinary_Asia
Vet Tech - IIRR_Ethnoveterinary_Ruminants
Vet Tech - IIRR_Ethnoveterinary_Pigs
Vet Tech - IIRR_Ethnoveterinary_Chickens

Water &  Sanitation - ADF_Biolatrines
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ_Water_Purify
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ_Water_Intake_Structures
Water &  Sanitation - WHO_Onsite_Sanitation
Water &  Sanitation - TZ_Watsan_Maintenance
Water &  Sanitation - FSDA_Composting_Small_Farmer
Water &  Sanitation - CTA_Compost_Manure
Water &  Sanitation - ILO_Community_Water
Water &  Sanitation - PC_Wells_Hand_Dug
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Wells - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Well Drilling - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - WHO_Watsan_Rural
Water &  Sanitation - SKAT_Water_Filtration
Water &  Sanitation - PC_Water_Sanitation
Water &  Sanitation - UNHCR_Refugee_Water_Manual
Water &  Sanitation - WHO_Sanitation
Water &  Sanitation - RRN_Watsan_Emerg
Water &  Sanitation - WHO_Drinking_Water_Quality
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Purification - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Resources - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Supply - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Storage - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Storage and Treatment - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Water Treatment - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Sewage - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Sanitation Communal - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Pour Latrine (Toilet) - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Compost - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - VITA - Compost Privy Toilet - ( fr de it po es)
Water &  Sanitation - UNEP - AT for Fresh Water (2 Meg)
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Refugee Camp Environment Control (8 Meg)
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Water Clarification Biological
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Anaerobic Waste Treatment I
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Anaerobic Waste Treatment II
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Anaerobic Waste Treatment III
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Anaerobic Waste Treatment IV
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Anaerobic Waste Treatment V
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - WasteWater Treatment
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Basic Sanitation & Latrines
Water &  Sanitation - GTZ - Tannery Wastewater Treatment

Wood Working - ILO_Wood_Harvesting_HandTools
Wood Working - GTZ_Carpentry
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Formwork
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Formwork_2
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Attic
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Attic_2
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Roof_Flashing
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Roof_Flashing_2
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Ceilings
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Partition_Walls
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Partition_Walls_2
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Floors
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Floors_2
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Parquetry
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Parquetry_2
Wood Working - IBE_Woodwork_Stairs
Wood Working - IBE_Woodwork_Stairs_2
Wood Working - GTZ_Woodwork_Formulae
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Sawing
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Sawing_2
Wood Working - IBE_Woodwork_Carving
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Planing_2
Wood Working - IBE_Boring
Wood Working - IBE_Boring_2
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Mortising
Wood Working - IBE_Woodwork_Sanding
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Storage
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Storage_2
Wood Working - IBE_Woodwork_Surfacing
Wood Working - IBE_Timber_Miller
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Shapers
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Routers
Wood Working - IBE_Wood_Lathes