Expert consultation on planning the
development of sundrying techniques in Africa
Proceedings of the Expert Consultation on Planning the Development of Sundrying Techniques in Africa
Rome, 1985
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III. Summary of work and principal conclusions
IV. Technical papers
4.1. Report of first preparatory mission on improvement and development of sun-drying techniques in Africa
4.2. Report of second preparatory mission on improvement and development of sun-drying techniques in Africa
4.3. Socio-economic dimension of sun-drying technology applied to food
4.4. Development a pilot project in Fiji
4.5. Marketing considerations in the promotion and development of sundried products (methodological approach)
4.6. Marketing consideration in the promotion and development of sundried products
4.7. Sundrying of fodder: application to other grass products
4.8. Proposal for an international network of research on small scale sundriers
4.9. Solar drying of agricultural produce in Israel present experience and future prospects
4.10. Improved sun-drying and solar drying: basic considerations and selected applications
4.11. Photodegradation of plastics
4.12. Séchage solaire au Maroc
4.13. Amélioration du séchage solaire des légumes
V. Country status reports
5.1. Le séchage des fruits, tubercules, légumes et epices au Cameroun
5.2. Production of sun dried products for local distribution by development of an integrated technology in Ethiopia
5.3. Expose sur les possibilites d'amélioration du séchage solaire des fruits, tubercules, légumes et épices au Gabon
5.4. African workshop for improvement and development of drying fruits in Ghana
5.5. Développement du séchage des fruits, légumes, tubercules et épices en Côte d'Ivoire
5.6. The Kenya case
5.7. Possibilites, développement du séchage solaire des produits végétaux au Maroc
5.8. Situation du séchage naturel des fruits, tubercules, légumes et épices au Niger
5.9. Sundrying of fruits, vegetables, drain, legumes root and tuber crops in Nigeria
5.10. Développement du séchage fruits, produits végètaux, tuber-cules et épices au Sénégal
5.11. Sun-drying of fruits, vegetables, spices, tubers and other perishable products in Tanzania
5.12. Perspectives de sechage des fruits et legumes en Haute-Volta
5.13. Bref expose sur le sechage des produits agricoles vegetaux a part les cereales, poissons et viandes au Zaire