<see image>
a.gif (486x393)

Earth Moving Devices
For Irrigation and Road-Building
Moving soil for irrigation and road-building is important to
good farming. Careful
preparation of land for irrigation and good water usage
saves water, labor, and
soil, and improves crop yields. Improved roads make
communication easier between
farmers, their suppliers, and their markets.
Although modern heavy equipment is often sought for such
work, it is not
necessary. Land can be prepared effectively with small
equipment that can be
made by farmers or small manufacturers and can be pulled by
animals or farm
tractors. Descriptions of yokes and harnesses are given in
Animal Traction, by
Peter R. Watson, published by Peace Corps and TransCentury
Corporation (1981).
The following seven entries describe such small equipment:
o Drag Grader
o Fresno
o Barrel Fresno
o Float with
adjustable blade
o Buck
o V-Drag(*)
o Multiple
(*) The fresno scraper, buck scraper, and V-drag are
designed for use with large
This simple metal-edged wooden grader is designed for two
medium-sized work
horses or oxen. The grader can be scaled down for use with
one horse or with
smaller animals.
Road-building does not require giant tractors and earth
movers. The grader
described here was used for dirt and gravel roads in the
midwestern United States
in the 1920s. Similar graders were used in the original
construction of U.S.
Highway No. 1 from Maine to Florida.
Tools and Materials
Lumber: 7.5cm x 30.5cm (3" x 12")
2 pieces: 243cm
(8') long
1 piece: 152cm
(5') long
2 pieces: 30.5cm
(1') long
Lumber: 7.5cm x 15cm (3" x 6")
1 piece: 37 cm
(4 1/2") long
4 Metal edges: 6mm to 12.5mm (1/4" to 1/2") thick,
10cm (4")
wide, 243cm (8') long
17 Lag screws: 16mm (5/8") in diameter, 18cm (7")
2 Eye bolts, 7.5cm (3") diameter, and large lock
Heavy chain: 3.7m (12')
32 Flathead steel wood screws, 7.5cm (3") long.
(Carriage bolts with lock washers
would strengthen the grader.)
Construction details for the grader are shown in Figure 1.
The metal edge overhangs
fg1x202.gif (540x540)

the surfaces of the 243cm (8') beam by 2.5cm (1"). Each
edge is attached
with eight large wood screws or
carriage bolts. Lock washers should
be used throughout to keep strains
and tensions from loosening the
nuts. The metal edges are attached
to both top and bottom so the
grader can be turned over to
reverse the direction in which the
soil is cast.
If the grader is to be used for
cleaning ditches, the angle between
the 152cm (5') and 243cm (8')
beams should be 30 degrees.
The drawing position of the grader is adjusted by changing
the hitching point on
the chain. The hitch link should be such that when the small
end is put over a
link it will not slide. Reverse the hitch ring to slide it
along the chain.
If welding equipment is available, the same design can be
used for making steel
road graders, with cutting edges hard-surfaced to make them
last longer.
Richard Hunger, John McCarthy and John Rediger, VITA
Volunteers, Peoria,
Vernon E. Moore, VITA Volunteer, Washington, D.C.
This scraper is used for moving larger amounts of earth from
higher spots to low
areas. It can be made at low cost by farmers or small
manufacturers, if materials
and a well-equipped blacksmith shop are available. The scraper
can do the work
of larger, more expensive equipment. <see figure 1>
fg1x203.gif (600x600)
Implements that slide soil on soil are inefficient. They
require a large amount of
power to move a small amount of soil. The fresno scraper can
move soil more
easily because it slides on its metal bottom. It is a large
metal scoop that can be
built in a number of sizes, depending on the number of
animals that can be used
to pull it. Good results will be obtained by using the size
described here with two
oxen or two to four horses. Construction details are given
in Figures 2 to 5.
fg2x2060.gif (600x600)
To use the scraper, first plow the high spots that you want
to remove. This will
make it easier to load the fresno and save a great deal of
The fresno is made so that the power used to pull it will also
help in loading and
unloading. The rope in the handle is used for pulling the
scoop into position for
loading and to spread the soil evenly when unloading.
Always be careful when operating the fresno. Do not have any
part of your body
directly above the handle. Always keep a firm grip on the
handle, while loading
or getting ready to unload. A sudden jerk or unseen rough
spot may cause the
handle bar to fly up and strike you.
To load the fresno, simply lift the handle until the front
of the bit goes into the
ground at a depth the animals can pull. Do not try to make
too deep a cut or the
fresno will be pulled over or the animals pulled to a stop.
You will soon learn
how to hold the handle for the proper cut and smooth
When the fresno is full, push down on the handle and it will
go forward without
touching the ground until you are ready to unload it. Lift
the handle when you
are ready to unload and the pull of the animals will turn it
into the dumping or
spreading position. The stop bar across the top of the
fresno can be moved to
change the depth of the spreading of soil. Move it forward
for a shallow depth or
back for a deeper spread.
After it has been emptied and returned to the point of
loading give the rope a
hard pull and the fresno will fall back into position for
Usual hitches for animals pulling the fresno are:
o two horses
o two oxen
o three horses
Two lines are used. Each outside horse is tied back to the
hame or collar of the
center horse. The center horse is then guided by the inside
strap from the lines.
Tools and Materials
2 steel plates for sides:
2 draft bar rod stock:
6mm x 40cm x
60cm 20mm x 1.2
(1/4" x 15
3/4" x 23 5/8")
(25/32" x 47 1/4")
1 steel plate for blade:
2 draft bar rod stock:
6mm x 35cm x 1.24
meters 20mm x 95cm
(1/4" x 13
3/4" x 48 7/8")
(25/32" x 37 3/8")
1 steel plate for backplate:
2 draft bar loop stock:
6mm x 52cm x 1.24
meters 20mm x 45cm
(1/4" X 20
1/2" X 48 7/8")
(25/32" X 17 3/4")
4 steel plates for stiffener plates:
2 draft bar loop stock:
6mm x 10cm x 18cm
20mm x 38cm
(1/4" x
4" x 7 1/8")
(25/32" x 15")
1 steel plate for stiffener plate:
2 eye bolts with nuts and washers:
6mm x 10cm x
28cm 20mm x
(1/4" x
4" x 11")
(25/32" x 9 7/8")
75 flathead rivets:
2 strap iron clevis stock:
15mm x 3cm
(19/32" x 1 1/8")
10mm x 4cm x 60cm
(3/8" x 1
9/16" x 23 5/8")
12 flathead rivets:
20mm x 3cm
(25/32" x 1 1/8")
2 machine bolts with nuts & washers:
13mm x 10cm
(1/2" X 4")
2 angle irons for runner:
6mm x 45mm x 45mm x
1.57 meters
(1/4" x 1
3/4" x 1 3/4" x 62 13/16")
1 oak draft bar:
6cm x 15cm x 1.52m
2 steel plates for shoes:
(2 3/8" x 6" x 59 7/8")
6mm x 12.5cm x 66cm
(1/4" x
5" x 26")
4 machine bolts with nuts
& washers:
13mm x 6cm
2 strap irons for bar brace:
(1/2" x 2 3/8")
10mm x 4cm x 32cm
(3/8" x 1
9/16" x 12 5/8")
8 machine bolts with nuts & washers:
13mm x 4cm
1 iron bar for handlebar
(1/2" x 1 9/16")
15mm x 5cm x 1.6
(9/16" x
2" x 63")
1 oak stop bar:
4cm x 8cm x 1.45 meters
1 rope:
(1 9/16" x 3 1/8" x
57 1/8")
13mm x 2 meters
(1/2" x 78
3/4") 2
stop bar stock:
threaded one end
2 side plates, draft clamp stock:
20mm x 21cm
2 stop bar ball
nuts & washer:
(25/32" x 8
1/4") 13mm
2 machine bolts with nut and washer:
13mm x 4cm
(1/2" x 1 9/16")
Forsberg, Carl M., Metzger, James D. and Steele, John C.
Construction and Use of
Small Equipment for Farm Irrigation. USOM/Turkey, in
cooperation with the
Turkish Ministry of Agriculture.
The barrel fresno scraper (Figure 1) is a lighter, simpler version
of the fresno
fg1x209.gif (540x540)

scraper described in the preceding entry. It is a low-cost
implement to move soil
efficiently. It can be pulled by a
team of bullocks and is operated by
one person.
The scraper, which is well-adapted
to production by a village blacksmith,
is made from an old barrel
and scrap metal. The scraper can
be adapted for heavy duty use.
The barrel fresno scraper presented here was built and
tested in Afghanistan. It
was found that it could move approximately twice as much
soil as the shovel
board normally used by the Afghan farmer. The scraper worked
better when the
high spots were plowed with a mold-board plow, which breaks
up the soil, making
it easier to pick up. Using the local wooden plow was
satisfactory but it left the
soil cloddy.
It is estimated that it could be used for 8 to 10 years
under normal farm use on.
Under other conditions, particularly where the soil is sandy
or where the scraper
is used for road or terrace construction, its life would be
much shorter.
Tools and Materials
Heavy hammer
Chisel - for cutting barrel
Punch - for making holes in barrel
Saw - for cutting wood
Drill - for boring holes in wood
Welder or access to the services of a welder
Barrel, 208-liter (55-U.S. gallon) as new and strong as
possible. Rust weakens the
metal and a rusty barrel should not be used.
Blade, metal, 1 piece, 5 to 8mm (3/16" to 5/16")
thick, 88cm (34 5/8") long. Have
a blacksmith taper the blade until it has this shape ==\
when viewed from the
end. The blade should be sharp. Old truck springs make good
Blade holder, metal, 2 pieces, 5 to 8mm (3/16" to
5/16") thick
Handle, wood, 1 piece, if soft wood 4 by 8cm (1 9/16" x
3 1/8") or pole 8cm (3
1/8") in diameter at large end, 3m (9'10")
Handle brace, wood, 1 piece, 3cm by 8cm by 150cm (1
3/16" x 3 1/8" x 59")
Block wood, 1 piece, 3cm by 8cm by 12cm (1 3/16" x 3
1/8" x 4 3/4")
Bolt, 1 piece, 1cm diameter by 10cm (3/8" x 4")
Nails, 5 pieces, 9cm (3 1/2") long
Wire, heavy - at least 3mm (1/8") thick, 12m (39') long
Chain, 4m (13'), made from 7mm (9/32") rod, with hook
at each end. See Figure 1.
Rope, 12mm (1/2") diameter, 3m (9'10") long
Cut the barrel, starting next to the welded seam, as shown
in Figure 3 below
fg3x210.gif (600x600)

(also see Figure 1). The cut is exactly half way around the
Pull the cut-out section forward and flatten it with a
hammer (Figure 4). Fold the
fg4x210.gif (393x437)

cut-out section back 17 to 20 cm (6 3/4" to 7
7/8") from the end of the cut,
depending on the width of the blade, to form a double bottom
(see Figure 5).
fg5x210.gif (437x486)
The blade can be installed by welding or by riveting.
To install the blade by welding (see Figure 1):
Butt the blade (see Tools and Materials)
against the barrel fold and
spot weld it.
Five spots of welding 3cm (1 3/16") long, evenly spaced,
are enough.
The lower tip of the blade holder (see Tools
and Materials) should be
even with the
end of the cut).
Weld the blade holder at the outside of the
barrel to the heavy rim.
Weld the blade to the bottom of the blade
To install the blade by riveting:
No blade holder is required.
The metal for the blade should be 5 to 8mm
(3/16" to 5/16") thick, 8
to 12cm (3
1/8" to 4 3/4") wide and 164cm (64 1/2") long. Taper and
sharpen the
blade before bending.
Bend the blade up at right angles 40cm (15
3/4") from each end. This
will leave the
main part of the blade 86cm (33 7/8") long to fit
inside the
Insert the blade.
Drill holes and rivet as shown in Figure 6.
fg6x211.gif (486x486)
The folded part of the barrel bottom should
extend 3cm (1 3/16")
under the blade
and be riveted to the bottom of the blade.
Install the handle and handle brace (Figure 7):
fg7x212.gif (300x600)
Position the barrel so the edge of the blade
is exactly 4cm above the
Taper the end of the handle and place it in
the position shown in
the sketch,
making sure it is in the center of the barrel.
Punch a hole through the bottom of the
barrel, drill a hole through
the end of the
handle, and bolt the handle to the barrel.
Bend 2 1/2cm of the edge of the barrel metal
up as shown in Figure 1.
Punch 2 small
holes in the metal and drive 2 nails through the
holes into the
end of the wooden brace.
Making sure the blade is still 4cm from the
floor, nail the wooden
block against
the end of the wooden brace.
Drive a nail through the end of the brace
into the handle.
Install the brace wires and rope (Figure 8):
fg8x212.gif (300x600)
Punch holes through the side and end of the
barrel halfway between
the bolt and
brace end.
Fix 4 strands of wire through the holes and
around the brace and
Twist the wires with a small stick to tighten
the wire braces, making
sure the handle
is at right angles to the barrel.
Drill a 1 1/2cm hole, 20cm from the end of
the handle. Thread the
end of the rope
through the hole and make a knot at each end.
Make holes for installing chain (Figure 9).
fg9x213.gif (300x600)
Install chain (see Figures 1 and 2).
When operating the barrel fresno scraper, always be careful
not to have any part
of your body directly above the handle.
Keep a firm grip on the handle while loading, during
operation, and getting ready
to unload. An unseen rough spot may cause a sudden jerk,
which will make the
handle fly up and strike you.
Before using the scraper, plow the high spots that you want
to remove. This will
make it easier to load the soil.
The power used to pull the scraper will also help in loading
and unloading. Use
the rope in the handle to pull the scraper into position for
loading and for
spreading the soil evenly when unloading.
To load the scraper, simply lift the handle to let the blade
go into the soil. Do
not make too deep a cut: this would either pull the scraper
over or pull the
animals to a stop.
You will learn by experience how to hold the handle for a
proper cut and smooth
When the scraper is full, push down on the handle to let the
loaded scraper slide
forward without picking up more soil to where you want to
unload it.
To unload, lift the handle. The pull of the animals will
move the scraper into
dumping position. To spread the soil evenly, hold the rope
tight. To dump the soil
in a pile, let the rope go.
Repairing the Barrel Fresno Scraper
To repair the scraper when the bottom starts to wear
through, cut off the unworn
part of the cut-out section of the barrel and weld or rivet
it over the old
bottom. When the rims of the barrel, which serve as runners,
start to show wear,
weld or rivet old truck springs or similar heavy strap iron
over their entire
Adapting for Heavy Duty
To adapt the barrel fresno scraper for heavy duty, the two
wearing points, the
bottom and the runners, must be reinforced. To reinforce the
scraper bottom,
cover it with a heavy iron plate 4 to 6mm (5/32" to
1/4") thick from the rear of
the blade to the bolt that holds the handle. Weld or rivet
the plate in place. Reinforce
the runners by welding or riveting old truck springs or
other heavy strap
iron as described in the paragraph on repairing the scraper.
Dale Fritz, VITA Volunteer, Schenectady, New York
The float is very useful for leveling a field before
planting a crop. It can be
made by a small manufacturer or a carpenter-blacksmith with
materials (Figure 1).
fg1x214.gif (400x600)
All earth moving operations, where any quantity of soil is
moved, leave the land
surface in an uneven condition. The float is the best piece
of equipment for
obtaining a smooth, even surface. It is difficult to do a
perfect job of leveling
the first season after earth has been moved. The areas from
which the soil has
been removed are usually hard and the areas to which it has
been moved are soft
so that uneven settling results. Also, general tillage and
plowing operations sometimes
roughen the land surface. Using the float over the entire
field each season
before planting the crop will help answer these problems.
Best results may be
obtained by floating the field in both directions (at 90
degrees), going back and
forth. The last floating should be in the direction of the
irrigation flow.
When borders are built in a field for border irrigation it
is usually best to use
the float over the entire area between the borders before
The float can be built in various widths according to the
available power. It is
necessary, however, that the float be at least 5 meters
(16") long to ensure a
good job of leveling the earth. The adjustable blade is
optional but it is often
desirable if a buck scraper is not available. Common hitches
for the float are the
same as used with the fresno. <see figure 2>
fg2x216.gif (600x600)
Tools and Materials
2 runners, 5cm x
30cm x 5.5 meters (2" x 12" x 18')
3 blades, 5cm x
30cm x 1.8 meters (2" x 12" x 70 7/8")
2 cross braces, 5cm
x 20cm x 1.9 meters (2" x 7 7/8" x 74 13/16")
2 diagonal braces,
5cm x 15cm x 3.75 meters (2" x 5 7/8" x 12'4")
2 diagonal braces,
5cm x 15cm x 3 meters (2" x 5 7/8" x 9'9")
4 side blocks, 5cm
x 30cm x 45cm (2" x 12" x 17 3/4")
1 lever, 5cm x 10cm
x 1.5 meters (2" x 4" x 59")
2 strap iron runner plates, 7mm x 50mm x 6 meters
(9/32" x 2" x 19'7")
3 angle iron cutting edges, 7mm x 50mm x 1.8 meters
(9/32" x 2" x 70 7/8")
2 steel tie rods (threaded both ends), 7mm x 2 meters
(9/32" x 78 3/4")
4 nuts, 7mm (9/32")
8 washers, 7mm (9/32")
1 pipe axle, 5cm (2") diameter x 2 meters (78
2 steel plates, 10mm x 20cm x 20cm (3/8" x 7 7/8" x
7 7/8")
3 u-bolts, with nuts and washers, 13mm x 20cm (1/2" x 7
2 hitch stocks, 7mm x 50mm x 70mm (9/32" x 2" x 27
50 flat head screws, 4cm (1 9/16") (No. 14)
15 flat head stove bolts, with nuts and washers, 6mm x 8cm
(1/4" x 3 5/32")
4 carriage bolts, with nuts and washers, 13mm x 13cm
(1/2" x 5 1/8")
1.5kg nails, 13cm (40d) (5 1/8")
1.5kg nails, 10cm (20d) (4")
1 rope, 10mm x 4 meters (3/8" x 13')
1 chain or cable hitch, 5 meters (16'5")
This buck scraper, <see figure 1> which has been
designed for use with large horses or oxen,
fg1x217.gif (540x540)

may be used for leveling small humps of earth where the haul
distance is short. It
can be made by a small manufacturer or by a
carpenter-blacksmith if equipment
and materials are available.
After using the fresno to move large amounts of soil from
high spots to low
spots, the surface of the cut and fill areas will usually be
rough. The buck
scraper is useful for smoothing out the uneven spots caused
by the fresno. It can
be used for filling ditches or for smoothing border
irrigation systems. After the
border levee has been made, it is very important to smooth
the area between and
close to the levees. The buck scraper can be used very
effectively for this
purpose by shortening the hitch on one side and allowing the
blade of the scraper
to run at an angle, thus shoving the soil into the the rough
areas around the
newly-built levee.
Earth moving may be aided by loosening the soil to be moved
by plowing before
using the buck scraper.
The buck scraper is loaded by pushing down on the handle as
the equipment
moves forward. The handle must be held down while the soil
is being transported.
The scraper is unloaded by lifting up on the handle. A
shallow spread is made by
lifting the handle slightly and a deeper spread by pushing
the handle farther
The most common hitches with the buck scraper are:
2 oxen
2 horses
3 horses
The buck scraper may be made in different sizes according to
the available power. <see figure 2>
fg2x218.gif (600x600)
Tools and Materials
1 buck board, 5cm x 30cm x 183cm (2" x 12" x 6')
1 trailer board, 5cm x 30cm x 122cm (2" x 12" x
1 iron pipe handle, 3cm x 2cm (1 3/16" x 3/4")
1 strap iron cutting edge, 6mm x 10cm x 183cm (1/4" x
4" x 6')
4 strap iron hinges, 6mm x 4cm x 30cm (1/4" x 1
9/16" x 12")
2 strap iron, 6mm x 4cm x 30cm (1/4" x 1 9/16" x
2 strap iron pipe clamps, 6mm x 4cm x 15cm (1/4" x 1
9/16" x 6")
2 band strap iron pipe clamps, 6mm x 4cm x 20cm (1/4" x
1 9/16" x 7 7/8")
1 bolt for hinge, 16mm x 46cm (5/8" x 18 1/8")
2 eye bolts, 16mm x 9cm (5/8" x 3 1/2")
2 carriage bolts, 13mm x 13cm (1/2" x 5 1/8")
4 carriage bolts, 13mm x 10cm (1/2" x 4")
22 carriage bolts, 13mm x 8cm (1/2" x 3 1/8")
2 washers, 16mm (5/8")
28 washers, 13mm (1/2")
1 chain or cable hitch, 5mm (3/16")
Forsberg, Carl M., Metager, James D., and Steele, John C.
Construction and Use
of Small Equipment for Farm Irrigation. USOM/Turkey in
cooperation with Turkish
Ministry of Agriculture.
The V-Drag (Figure 1) is used for making ditches for
irrigation and drainage of
fg1x219.gif (600x600)

fields and roads. It can also be used to make levees (banks)
or borders for border
irrigation. The V-Drag can be made locally by
carpenter-blacksmiths or small
manufacturers if materials are available. (See Figure 2 for
list of materials and
fg2x220.gif (600x600)

construction details.)
Plowing Ditches
After the desired ditch line has been established by means
of a level or transit,
the plow may be used to make a furrow where the line has
been staked. Plow
along the line one way, then turn and plow back again in the
same furrow but
throwing the soil the other way.
When the furrow has been plowed, use the V-Drag to move the
soil out of the
furrow. By making a complete round (down and back) the soil
can be thrown out
on both sides of the ditch. By alternately plowing and using
the V-Drag to throw
the soil out, any desired depth of ditch can be obtained.
The method of hitching the animals is important. If two
horses are used, it is
necessary to hitch them far enough apart so that both can
walk outside the ditch.
If two oxen are used it is important that the yoke be long
enough to permit each
animal to walk on the outside of the ditch.
If the soil is hard and more power is required, three horses
can be used and one
horse can walk in the ditch and one on each side.
The depth of cut made by the V-Drag can be adjusted to the
available power.
Shortening the hitch will reduce the depth of cut as will
shifting your weight to
the back of the drag.
Either lengthening the hitch or shifting your weight to the
front will increase the
depth of cut.
The handle of the V-Drag can be used to vary the width of
the ditch. Pressing
down will widen it while lifting up will narrow the width.
Building Levees or Borders for Border Irrigation Systems
After the desired location has been selected for
constructing a levee, or border,
the plow may be used to plow down and back twice and throw
the soil into the
border line. The V-Drag can then be used to crowd the soil
into a ridge.
When a border irrigation system is constructed in this
manner it is necessary to
smooth around the border with a buck scraper (see page 217).
If the hitch on the
scraper is shortened on one side it will roll the dirt into
the border.
The Hitch
The hitch on the V-Drag is the same for construction of a
ditch or a border. Two
horses, two oxen, or three horses are usually satisfactory.
Forsberg, Carl M., Metzger, James D., and Steele, John C.
Construction and Use
of Small Equipment for Farm Irrigation. USOM/Turkey in
cooperation with Turkish
Ministry of Agriculture.
Multiple hitches or load eveners are necessary when more
than one animal is used
for pulling equipment to adapt the proper power to the load
and the job. Correctly-made
hitches enable each animal to do its share of the work and
exert an
even pull on a piece of equipment.
Various combinations of hitches may be used, according to
the job. The most
common hitches are:
double trees, or 2-horse evener
3-horse evener
4-horse evener
6-horse evener
Figure 1 shows a four-horse evener and a three-horse evener.
This illustration is
fg1x222.gif (300x600)

helpful in reading the construction details in Figure 3.
fg3x224.gif (600x600)
The major parts of the hitches can be adapted for use with
oxen or bullocks.
Figure 2 shows simpler eveners that can be used with horses,
oxen, or bullocks.
fg2x222.gif (486x486)
Hoffen, H.J. Farm Implements for
Arid and Tropical Regions. Rome:
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations, 1960.
Forsberg, Carl M., Metzger, James
D., and Steele, John C. Construction
and Use of Small Equipment
for Farm Irrigation. USOM/Turkey,
in cooperation with the Turkish
Ministry of Agriculture.
Watson, Peter R. Animal Traction.
Washington, D.C.: Peace Corps and
TransCentury Corporation, 1981.
Tools and Materials
2-horse evener:
1 oak plank, 4cm x 10cm x 1 meter (1 9/16" x 4" x
39 3/8")
2 oak bars, 4cm x 6cm x 77cm (1 9/16" x 2 3/8" x
30 5/16")
4 strap irons, 10mm x 4cm x 22.5cm (3/8" x 1
19/16" x 8 7/8")
4 machine bolts with nuts and washers, 13mm x 8cm (1/2"
x 3 1/8")
2 carriage bolts with nuts and washers, 10mm x 12cm
(3/8" x 4 3/4")
3-horse evener:
1 oak plank, 4cm x 12cm x 1.52 meters (1 9/16" x 4
3/4" x 59 7/8")
1 oak bar, 4cm x 6cm x 77cm (1 9/16" x 2 3/8" x 30
2 strap iron, 10mm x 4cm x 46.5cm (3/8" x 1 9/16"
x 18 5/16")
2 strap iron, 10mm x 4cm x 34cm (3/8" x 1 9/16" x
13 3/8")
4 machine bolts with nuts and washers, 13mm x 8cm (1/2"
x 3 1/8")
2 carriage bolts with nuts and washers, 10mm x 14cm
(3/8" x 5 1/2")
Plus material for one 2-horse evener
4-horse evener:
1 oak plank, 4cm x 16cm x 1.96 meters (1 9/16" x 6
5/16" x 78")
4 strap iron, 10mm x 4cm x 40cm (3/8" x 1 9/16" x
15 3/4"
4 machine bolts with nuts and washers, 13mm x 8cm (1/2"
x 3 1/8")
2 carriage bolts with nuts and washers, 10mm x 18cm
(3/8" x 7 1/16")
Plus materials for two 2-horse eveners
6-horse evener:
1 oak plank, 6cm x 20cm x 2.84 meters (2 3/8" x 7
7/8" x 9' 3 3/4")
4 strap iron, 10mm x 5cm x .45cm (3/8" x 12.5cm x
2 machine bolts with nuts and washers, 20mm x 8cm (3/4"
x 3 1/8")
2 machine bolts with nuts and washers, 20mm x 10cm
(3/4" x 4")
2 carriage bolts with nuts and washers, 10mm x 22cm
(3/8" x 8 5/8")
Plus materials for two 3-horse eveners
Clevis (U-shaped piece by which draft animal is connected to
1 clevis stock, 20mm x 70cm (3/4" x 27 1/2")
1 machine bolt with nut and washers, 20mm x 12cm (3/4"
x 4 3/4")
(one clevis is needed for each horse)