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The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development - Education Research Paper No. 40, 2001, 139 p.

Table of Contents

Fiona Leach, Salwa Abdulla, Helen Appleton, Judy el-Bushra, Nora Cardenas, Kibre Kebede, Viv Lewis and Shashikala Sitaram

February 2000

Serial No. 40
ISBN: 1 86192 284 1

Department For International Development

Table of Contents

Department for International Development




Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Rationale and context
1.2 Assumptions
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research design
1.5 The case studies
1.6 The women

Chapter 2: Review of the Literature

2.1 Training for women's micro-enterprise development/women in the informal sector
2.2 Women and vocational education and training
2.3 Training manuals
2.4 Conclusion

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The research design
3.3 The research instruments

3.3.1 Group 1 women
3.3.2 Group 2 women
3.3.3 The training

3.4 Procedures for setting up the field work
3.5 Monitoring of the field work
3.6 Data analysis
3.7 Methodological issues

Chapter 4: The Dire Dawa Urban Development Programme (Ethiopia)12

4.1 Background
4.2 The training

4.2.1 Entrepreneurship training

4.3 The women and the impact of the training on their lives

4.3.1 The Group 1 women
4.3.2 Findings
4.3.3 The Group 2 women

4.4 Benefits and constraints
4.5 Conclusions

Chapter 5: Women's Micro-enterprise Promotion in Silk Reeling (India)16

5.1 Background
5.2 The 'orientation' programme

5.2.1 The training process
5.2.2 Benefits of the training

5.3 The women

5.3.1 The Group 1 women 21
5.3.2 Their lives
5.3.3 The impact of the project on the women's lives
5.3.4 The Group 2 women

5.4 The impact of the training

5.4.1 Benefits
5.4.2 Failures

5.5 Conclusions

Chapter 6: Small-Scale Food Processing Training (Peru)26

6.1 Background
6.2 The training

6.2.1 The training observed

6.3 The sample

6.3.1 The Group 1 women
6.3.2 The Group 2 women
6.3.3 The men

6.4 Findings
6.5 Conclusions

Chapter 7: The Port Sudan Small-Scale Enterprise Programme (Sudan)27

7.1. Background
7.2 The training

7.2.1 The training process

7.3 The women

7.3.1 The impact of the training on the women's lives

7.4 The findings
7.5 Conclusions

Chapter 8: Findings

8.1 Impact of training on women's economic and social status (research question 1)

8.1.1 Impact of training on income
8.1.2 Impact of training on access and control of resources
8.1.3 Impact of training on status
8.1.4 Impact of training on quality of life
8.1.5 Indirect benefits of training
8.1.6 The relationship between the four indicators (income, access/control of resources, status and quality of life)

8.2 Effective training for women's micro-enterprise development (research question 2)

8.2.1 Training in business skills
8.2.2 Training in technical skills
8.2.3 General characteristics applicable to both types of training

8.3 Interaction between training and credit (research question 3)
8.4 Conclusions and recommendations

8.4.1 Policy recommendations 38


Appendix 1: Types of training covered by the study and access to credit/savings

Appendix 2: The Socio Economic Impact Matrix

Appendix 3: Sample of a completed Matrix (India)

Appendix 4: Income change

Appendix 5: Relationship between training, credit and increased income in the period immediately after training (4 months in the case of Group 1)