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Prevention of post-harvest food losses: a training manual

Table of Contents

Grading of the polished rice into whole grains and broken grains is neces(sary)

Rome, 1985

Acknowledgement is due to D.J. Greig and M. Reeves, FAO Consultants. Mr Greig compiled the document; Mr Reeves reviewed and edited the text. Thanks are also due to technical officers of FAO who contributed to the preparation of this manual.

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ISBN 92-5-102209-7


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1. Introduction

1.1 Definitions
1.2 Storage
1.3 Storage requirements
1.4 Agents causing deterioration of stored produce
1.5 Controlling the agents causing deterioration

2. Measurement

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Units of measurement
2.3 Repeatability and precision
2.4 Measurement of moisture content
2.5 Sampling for loss assessment
2.6 Farm- and village-level grain flow pattern

3. Storage pests

3.1 Post-harvest microbiology
3.2 Pest biology and identification
3.3 Descriptive notes

4. Loss assessment

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definitions
4.3 Surveys
4.4 Field teals
4.5 Validity of survey and trials work
4.6 Loss assessment in cereals and pulses

5. Pest control

5.1 General
5.2 Losses caused by insects
5.3 Sources of infestation
5.4 Pest build-up in store
5.5 Factors affecting choice of storage method and pest control measures
5.6 Types of storage and implications for pest control
5.7 Losses caused by rodents

6. Drying

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Air and water vapour: psychrometry
6.3 Moisture content and relative humidity
6.4 Drying
6.5 Types of driers

7. Warehouses

7.1 Warehouse construction
7.2 Cost of construction
7.3 Usable volume
7.4 Care of produce in warehouses
7.5 Dunnage
7.6 Stacking of sacks
7.7 Insect control in sacks stored in warehouses

8. Central storage

9. Pest control in stored produce

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Pest control techniques
9.3 Chemical control: specific methods
9.4 Toxicity
9.5 Formulations and dosages
9.6 Some insecticides for use with stored products: summary of properties

10. Crib storage

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Optimal crib design
10.3 Design of improved cribs
10.4 Cost of crib construction

11. Root and tuber storage

11.1 Yams

12. Processing of cereals (other than rice)

12.1 Threshing
12.2 Grading
12.3 Milling

13. Small-scale rice milling

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Stages in rice processing

14. Sociological, economic and institutional implications of the prevention of post-harvest food losses

14.1 Economic justification
14.2 Institutional factors
14.3 Implications for labour
