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Manual of the prevention of post-harvest grain losses

338 pages

Joost Gwinner
Rüdiger Harnisch
Otto Mück

Eschborn, 1996

Published in 1996 by:
Post-Harvest Project
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Postfach 5180, D - 65726 Eschborn, FRG

© 1996 GTZ

The copyright of this publication is vested in the “Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH”. Applications for permissions to reproduce this publication, in whole or in part, by any method or process, should be addressed, with a statement of purpose and extend of the reproduction desired, to GTZ - Stabsstelle 01, Postfach 5180, D-65726 Eschborn, Germany


Preface to the second edition

Preface to the first edition

1. Introduction

2. The fundamentals of storage

2.1 Properties of stored produce
2.2 Climatic factors in storage
2.3 Further literature

3. Post-harvest losses

3.1 Losses in quantity
3.2 Losses in quality
3.3 Sources of losses
3.4 Further literature

4. Farm and village level storage

4.1 Farm storage methods
4.2 Village level storage
4.3 Drying
4.4 Pest control on farm level
4.5 Further literature

5. Central storage

5.1 Storage facilities
5.2 Store management
5.3 Further literature

6. Fungi and mycotoxins

6.1 Storage fungi
6.2 Mycotoxins
6.3 Further literature

7. Important pests in storage

7.1 Identification of pests
7.2 Classification of storage pests
7.3 Development of insects
7.4 The effect changes in climate on development
7.5 The use of various sources of food by pests
7.6 Morphological features of insects
7.7 Storage pest species
7.8 Further literature

8. Pest control using insecticides

8.1 Insecticides
8.2 Application techniques
8.3 Calculating the dosage of insecticides in stored product pest control
8.4 Precautionary measures
8.5 Equipment
8.6 Further literature

9. Pest control using fumigants

9.1 Areas of application for fumigants
9.2 Fumigants
9.3 Measuring the gas concentration in the air
9.4 Safety regulations
9.5 First aid
9.6 Equipment
9.7 Further literature

10. Integrated pest management

10.1 Mechanical methods
10.2 Physical methods
10.3 Biological control methods
10.4 Biotechnical methods
10.5 Literature

11. Rodent pests

11.1 Characteristic features of rodents
11.2 Rodents as storage pests
11.3 Damage and losses
11.4 Biology of rodents
11.5 Signs of rodent infestation
11.6 Preventive measures
11.7 Control measures
11.8 Safety measures
11.9 First aid measures in case of poisoning
11.10 Equipment
11.11 Further literature