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CLOSE THIS BOOKSpecial Public Works Programmes - SPWP - Anti-Erosion Ditches - Training Element and Technical Guide for SPWP Workers, Booklet No. 1 (ILO - UNDP, 84 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. What is erosion?
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. How to recognise erosion
3. Different types of anti-erosion ditches
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.1 Silt catchment pits
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.2 Forest tiering
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.3 Forest terracing
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3.4 Cropping terraces
4. Worksite organisation
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4.1 Good management of the workers
4.2 Good selection of tools
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4.2.1 Surveying Instruments
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4.2.2 Tools used in the digging of ditches
5. Procedure
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.1 Site selection
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.2 Siting of the ditches
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.3 Plotting the dimensions of the ditch
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.4 Preparing the surface soil of the ditch site
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.5 Excavating the ditch
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.6 Checking the dimensions of the ditch
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.7 Constructing the retaining banks
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.8 Checking that the retaining banks are horizontal
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.9 Improving the waterways
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5.10 Protecting the slopes
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Maintenance of the retaining banks