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CLOSE THIS BOOKHundred Tips for a Better Management (Aga Khan Foundation, 1993, 70 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTAcknowledgements
VIEW THE DOCUMENT100 Tips : The rules of the management game
Managing your time
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Don't work harder, work smarter3
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Spend less time on the phone and more time on your work4
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Protect yourself from unnecessary interruptions5
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Use more ways to control the telephone
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. If you ''don't have time'' to get everything done, try this : Set aside a ''magic hour'' each week6
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Thinking and doing þ strike a balance7
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Find out where your time goes; keep a log8
VIEW THE DOCUMENT8. Avoid leading time wasters9
Running effective meetings
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Before you call a meeting, decide if you should have one at all10
VIEW THE DOCUMENT10. If you must have a meeting, plan how to get the most out of it11
VIEW THE DOCUMENT11. Guide your team in having more effective discussions12
VIEW THE DOCUMENT12. Start on time; End on time13
VIEW THE DOCUMENT13. How to chair a meeting14
VIEW THE DOCUMENT14. Don't sit on the results of a good meeting; follow up with a plan of action15
VIEW THE DOCUMENT15. Maximise what you can get out of a ''brainstorming'' session16
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT16. Plan before you do17
VIEW THE DOCUMENT18. Co-ordinate work and people19
VIEW THE DOCUMENT19. It is better to risk over-investment in productive planning than to rely on ad-hoc solutions to unpredictable problems20
VIEW THE DOCUMENT20. Take the time to develop a thorough, documented and detailed plan. It will significantly reduce the risk of failure21
VIEW THE DOCUMENT21. It is very easy to make on-the-spot decisions, if you have thought out and evaluated all feasible alternatives22
Leadership : Lead, follow, or get out of the way. (Henry Ford, US Industrialist)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT22. There is no one best leadership style. You need to adapt your style to fit the needs of each person23
VIEW THE DOCUMENT23. Share your vision24
VIEW THE DOCUMENT24. Employees respond to the manager, not the organisation.25
VIEW THE DOCUMENT25. Lead by example26
VIEW THE DOCUMENT26. First be effective, then efficient27
VIEW THE DOCUMENT27. Managers should work for their staff. If they win, you win
VIEW THE DOCUMENT28. A bad attitude is infectious
VIEW THE DOCUMENT29. Know where you're coming from28
VIEW THE DOCUMENT30. To be a good leader, be professional
VIEW THE DOCUMENT31. Be committed. Take an active role.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT32. Leave 'em laughing29
Decision-making I
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT33. Separate the managers from the leaders30
VIEW THE DOCUMENT34. Back up your decision-making with planning31
VIEW THE DOCUMENT35. Don't let decision-making bring you down32
VIEW THE DOCUMENT36. Some suggestions on decision-making:
VIEW THE DOCUMENT37. Be decisive! Take action. A decisive person will almost always prevail only because almost everyone else is indecisive33
VIEW THE DOCUMENT38. Don't put too much reliance on data. If a quantitative analysis conflicts with common sense, abandon the data34
VIEW THE DOCUMENT39. Consensus seeking is a time-wasting, levelling influence that impedes distinctive performance. Avoid it35
VIEW THE DOCUMENT40. Don't analyse a problem to death. Avoid ''paralysis by analysis''36
Decision-making II
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT41. Delegate what someone else can do better37
VIEW THE DOCUMENT42. As a manager, the important thing is not what happens when you are there, but what happens when you are not there
VIEW THE DOCUMENT43. Delegate for innovation
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT44. Always do your job to make the next person's job easier38
VIEW THE DOCUMENT45. Broaden your interests39
VIEW THE DOCUMENT46. Two heads are better than one
VIEW THE DOCUMENT47. Be an orphaned parent of success. Don't hog the credit40
VIEW THE DOCUMENT48. Find a level of employee involvement that works best for your organisation
VIEW THE DOCUMENT49. Work for success
VIEW THE DOCUMENT50. Develop team protocol
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT51. Seek out those rare individuals who are truly committed and build around them41
VIEW THE DOCUMENT52. Put the person you interview at ease42
VIEW THE DOCUMENT53. Hire team players43
VIEW THE DOCUMENT54. Make the most critical interview the job interview44
VIEW THE DOCUMENT55. Don't delay tough personnel decisions45
Communicating with your staff
VIEW THE DOCUMENTThe most important words
VIEW THE DOCUMENT56. To be successful, get out with the workers and pick up information46
VIEW THE DOCUMENT57. Refuse not to be informed47
VIEW THE DOCUMENT58. The right hand must know what the left is doing48
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT59. Communicate effectively to increase efficiency49
VIEW THE DOCUMENT60. If you don't give people information, they'll make up something to fill the void50
VIEW THE DOCUMENT61. Be accessible. Eat lunch!
VIEW THE DOCUMENT62. Inform - keep informed - use information
VIEW THE DOCUMENT63. Listen to what is not being said52
VIEW THE DOCUMENT64. Learn to pay attention53
VIEW THE DOCUMENT65. Learn how to interpret body language54
VIEW THE DOCUMENT66. Learn to write effectively55
VIEW THE DOCUMENT67. Write clear instructions56
Motivating staff
VIEW THE DOCUMENT68. To get the most from your staff, learn what motivates them ''People are the most important resources of an organisation.
VIEW THE DOCUMENT69. How to motivate others þ no tricks involved58
VIEW THE DOCUMENT70. People do better when they are given a chance to achieve
VIEW THE DOCUMENT71. Use rewards, not threats59
VIEW THE DOCUMENT72. Perseverance leads to success
VIEW THE DOCUMENT73. Give praise where praise is due
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT74. Be flexible in the way you supervise individuals60
VIEW THE DOCUMENT75. Please your clients61
VIEW THE DOCUMENT76. Avoid unnecessary steps and actions62
Giving feedback
VIEW THE DOCUMENT77. Try coaching63
VIEW THE DOCUMENT78. Maintain control through management tools64
VIEW THE DOCUMENT79. Provide feedback to staff65
VIEW THE DOCUMENT80. Make feedback valuable66
VIEW THE DOCUMENT81. Don't confuse feedback with evaluation67
VIEW THE DOCUMENT82. How to ask for feedback68
Criticising performance
VIEW THE DOCUMENT83. Don't be afraid to offend; just don't be offensive in your approach69
VIEW THE DOCUMENT84. Take care of mistakes when they are small; do not allow them to grow, they will get more complicated
VIEW THE DOCUMENT85. How to handle anger70
VIEW THE DOCUMENT86. How to manage conflict71
Training I
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT87. Training isn't always the answer72
VIEW THE DOCUMENT88. Determine where you are going before training your people to get there73
VIEW THE DOCUMENT89. Do your staff need training? To find out, ask74
VIEW THE DOCUMENT90. Get the best training for your organisation75
VIEW THE DOCUMENT91. Cultivate those who can teach you (Baltasar Gracian, Priest and writer 1601-1658)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT92. Continue learning by teaching others
VIEW THE DOCUMENT93. Help people work smarter. Schedule ''Knowledge Circles''76
Training II
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT94. Prepare your staff for change77
VIEW THE DOCUMENT95. Learn from the experiences of others78
VIEW THE DOCUMENT96. Seek out new opportunities79
VIEW THE DOCUMENT97. Getting a new idea adopted80
VIEW THE DOCUMENT98. Practice managing change81
Last thoughts - Some laws of management to remember
VIEW THE DOCUMENT99. Continue learning
VIEW THE DOCUMENT100. Some laws of management to remember
VIEW THE DOCUMENTAcronyms and abbreviations