|  | Small Scale Processing of Oilfruits and Oilseeds (GTZ, 1989, 100 p.) |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | Acknowledgements |
 |  | Preface |
 |  | 0. Introduction |
 |  | 0.1 Economic aspects |
 |  | 0.2 Technical aspects |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 0.2.1 Processes for oil fruits |
 |  | 0.2.2 Processes for oil seeds |
 |  | 0.3 Development potentials |
 |  | 1. Oil Plants and their Potential Use |
 |  | 1.1 Characteristics of vegetable fats and oils |
 |  | 1.2 The major oil plants |
 |  | 1.2.1 Oil palm |
 |  | 1.2.2 Coconut palm |
 |  | 1.2.3 Soyabean |
 |  | 1.2.4 Groundnut |
 |  | 1.2.5 Sunflower |
 |  | 1.2.6 Sesame |
 |  | 1.2.7 Rape and mustardseed |
 |  | 1.2.8 Other oil-yielding plants |
 |  | 1.3 By-products |
 |  | 1.4 Further processing |
 |  | 2. Target Groups and Technologies |
 |  | 2.1 Family level |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 2.1.1 Oil palm fruit |
 |  | 2.1.2 Oil seeds |
 |  | 2.2 Village level |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 2.2.1 Oil palm fruit |
 |  | 2.2.2 Oil seeds |
 |  | 2.3 District level |
 |  | 3. Case Studies |
 |  | 3.1 Shea nut processing by women in Mali |
 |  | 3.2 Hand-operated sunflowerseed processing in Zambia |
 |  | 3.3 Oil palm fruit processing as a women's activity in Togo |
 |  | 4. Financial Analysis of the Case Studies |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 4.1 Shea nut processing in Mali |
 |  | 4.2 Sunflower seed processing in Zambia |
 |  | 4.3 Oil palm fruit processing in Togo |
 |  | 5. Selected Equipment |
 |  | 5.1 Hand-operated equipment |
 |  | 5.1.1 Hand-operated processing of palm fruit |
 |  | 5.1.2 Hand-operated processing of oil seeds |
 |  | 5.2 Motorized equipment |
 |  | 5.2.1 Motorized processing of oil palm fruit |
 |  | 5.2.2 Motorized processing of oil seeds |
 |  | 6. Ongoing Research and Development Work |
 |  | Annex |