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Summary steps
- presence of rodents and points of infestation
- condition of stored produce and the building
- situation of the areas surrounding the building
- staff experience and knowledge
- type of sanitation requirements
- proofing and repair requirements
- materials required (bait, traps, etc.)
- training of staff
- distribution of responsibilities
- timetable
- cleaning and tidying of the building
- removal of unnecessary materials
- proofing of the building
- removal of weeds and materials outside the building
- control using poisons if necessary
- monitoring and reporting
- survey rodents, condition of the building, etc.
- preparation and submission of report
- management decision on report results
- follow-up of actions
- adapting or updating of the plan at regular intervals
The implementation of a programme often loses its momentum once rodent
infestation has subsided. To counteract waning interest, it is suggested to
`institutionalise' the system by clearly distributing responsibilities to
specific staff, preparing a timetable and fixing bi-monthly meetings during
which the situation is discussed with all involved. Management's commitment may
be obtained by making it responsible for the losses.